- Can you see the potential of this tool for research assistance? Or just as an easy way to create bookmarks that can be accessed from anywhere?
- How can your library or media center take advantage of tagging and del.icio.us?
I do not like http://delicious.com/. It just seems like a big fat mess to me. I understand tagging, and why it's beneficial for things like this here blog (and you'll see that I've been tagging all of my entries), but this? It's like a really unorganized search engine. If I'm looking to browse a particular category or topic on the web, I'll go to Google and search for it that way. Looking up individual tags on this website isn't nearly as thorough. I suppose that it could be useful as a way to store your own personal bookmarks. But couldn't you also just save them in your email? Or something? Boo.
I don't know why I dislike it this much. It just doesn't sit well with me for some reason. Maybe it's the design of the site itself. It's bland. And ugly to look at.
I also have mixed thoughts on user-generated tagging in libraries. I think it has the potential to get messy.
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